A Perfect game from Everyone, News, Leafs, MB-Rec, 2014-2015 (Brampton Hockey Inc.)

This Team is part of the 2014-2015 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jan 18, 2015 | Eric Hansen | 266 views
A Perfect game from Everyone
Hi Team

We played probably our best game of the season. Everyone played together as a team, but did their own job exceptionally well to earn a well deserved win. It was a tight passing game in the first 8 minutes, but after the first goal, we kept building on our momentum for a 4-0 shut-out victory

Sean was stellar cutting down the angles. Our defense was always on guard for the forward lurking deep in the neutral zone and chipped away every break out chance they took. And our forwards were quick to skate hard with the puck and pass the puck out of the zone. We skated hard, played hard and never let up the whole game. We also didn'y collapse late in the game either. We stayed strong right until the end. The shots were even at 19 a piece but most importantly was where we shot to net the goals. Mr Musa provided me with a map highlighting the goals and shots.


It provides an excellent visual aid to help show how effective shots from the slot are. It also highlights what we can do to help clear our zone too. Not just the defense, but everyone can help with that and we'll have more victories in the future.

Today's win is just the type of game style that will help us propel into the playoffs in two weeks.