Played like the Winners we are, News, Leafs, MB-Rec, 2014-2015 (Brampton Hockey Inc.)

This Team is part of the 2014-2015 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 15, 2015 | Eric Hansen | 341 views
Played like the Winners we are
Hi Team

Guys, we played like the winners we all know we are. The Penguins were a tough team, a lot different than the last time we faced them. We went up 1-0 from a bullet shot from Sacha So hard, it looked like it pushed their goalie with the puck into the net. Torben pushed the score to 2-0 with an intercepted pass, raced toward the and firing a wrister over the downed goalie. Isaiah got his first goal with a perfect pass to push the score 3-0.

The Pens fought back with 2 goals in the third but we shut them down to end the game as victors, 2 points and unbeaten so far in the playoffs. We played much better defensively this game, hustling back to shut down their rush, clearing the zone and passing tape to tape. Our forwards were always threatening and it forced them to double team the coverage. It's the way we need to play for our next game. Always threaten, always push after the puck and never ever quit, regardless the score.

Our practice and game schedule this weekend is reversed. We have our next game against the Flyers, this Saturday, 3:00 and Green Briar Arena and our next practice is Sunday morning, 9:15am South Fletchers #3. Keep playing the way we did tonight and we'll get more victories leading all the way to the day of champs weekend.

Great job team.