Brampton Peewee Marlies Pay Tribute in Ottawa, News, PeeWee Marlies, 2014-2015, MD (Brampton Hockey Inc.)

This Team is part of the 2014-2015 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Oct 28, 2014 | lferrari | 947 views
Brampton Peewee Marlies Pay Tribute in Ottawa
While in an Ottawa tournament on the weekend after the attacks on the National War Memorial and Parliament Buildings, the Brampton Peewee Marlies paid their respects. Lining up one by one each member of the team placed a flower at the foot of the memorial before standing side by side in silence. The team would like to extend their condolences to those directly affected by the tragedy in Ottawa this past week. As well, their gratitude to our men and women in our Armed Forces whose service to our country allow us the freedom to play the game we love. 
